Thursday, May 29, 2008

Love...Abort (A) Retry(R) Ignore (I) Fail(F)?

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

But the very next day, You gave it away

This year, to save me from tears

I'll give it to someone special

(George Michael - Last Christmas)

UmmHmmmm.. ..I did not break my heart. I am just the photographer here.... :)
This is dedicated to my friend and younger brother in Pune. I dont want to name him though. Life,.. sometimes throws challenges at you which will require lot of courage to fight back.. But it is indeed these challenges that make life worth living, every moment of it interesting. They make you stronger day by day, only if you choose to face them. I want my friend to become stronger. I have faith in him.
Love can make you blind. It can make you open your eyes to reality as well. But choosing to be blind in love is no excuse to one's self for forgetting to live.

FootNote:- About the caption:- I have had my hands on 386 and 586 machines running DOS.


ZuchiD said...

arif ??

Dileep said...

Abort (A) Retry(R) Ignore (I) Fail(F)?

This is an error message which MS-DOS would throw up when it fails to execute some command. The user has to take a call whether to abort the command, or Retry it, or Igonore the error and try to go ahead or Fail the command and get back to the DOS prompt. The most common scenario was that the floppy disk is damaged and the user is trying to issue some command which require the machine to read from floppy.